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Mastering the Fat Over Lean Technique in Oil Painting

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

Fat over lean is a principle in oil painting that refers to the idea that layers of paint should progressively increase in oil content as you work from the bottom to the top of a painting. This technique is based on the fact that oil paint takes a long time to dry, and thicker layers of paint take longer to dry than thinner layers.

The fat over lean principle helps to ensure that the paint layers dry evenly, which can help to prevent cracks from forming in the paint as it dries. To implement this technique, you should start by applying thin, lean layers of paint to the lower part of your painting. As you work your way up the painting, you can gradually add more oil to your paint mixture, creating progressively thicker and fatter layers.

One of the benefits of using the fat over lean technique is that it allows you to build up a painting gradually, adding more detail and complexity as you go. This can help to create a sense of depth and dimension in your painting.

There are a few key points to keep in mind when using the fat over lean technique:

  1. Make sure to use a high-quality oil paint and linseed oil, as these will dry more evenly and be less prone to cracking.

  2. Don't be afraid to thin your paint with a solvent (such as turpentine or mineral spirits) to create leaner layers.

  3. Pay attention to the drying time of each layer, and try to avoid applying a new layer until the previous one has had a chance to dry fully.

  4. If you do notice cracks forming in your paint, you can try to remedy the situation by applying a thin layer of oil over the top of the crack. This can help to smooth out the surface and hide the crack.

Overall, the fat over lean technique is an important principle to understand and apply in oil painting. By following this technique, you can help to ensure that your paintings dry evenly and remain in good condition over time.

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